You could say we’re accessibility problem-solvers. But at heart, we’re really opportunity-creators. Every part of your business operation is a chance to create value, if not outright joy, for your Deaf and hard of hearing customers.
Creating a deaf-friendly world is a two-way effort between businesses and consumers. This is why we offer a variety of services to help businesses reach inclusion goals and deepen their toolkit of deaf-friendly actions.
Ready to take action now? Learn how we can help you become deaf-friendly!
We craft turnkey solutions for each client. Because no deaf or hard of hearing person is ever alike, neither should our approach to serving them.
Our team of consulting experts is like the Swiss Army Knife of deaf-friendly know-how, ready to tackle your inclusion initiatives. Similarly, we offer a variety of consulting opportunities, ranging from face-to-face meetings to tackle specific needs, to our Deaf-Friendly Assessment. The assessment includes an on-site visit to track the wins and the barriers that your business may present to Deaf and hard of hearing customers. We then share the results of our analysis and develop an action plan to fill in the accessibility gaps.
From top executives to managers as well as associates, one can never invest too much in a critical skill: Customer service. Top brands are known not just for product quality, but also for superior service.
Our trainings are packed with actionable information on interacting with Deaf or hard of hearing customers. Learn about Deaf people, their culture, and the barriers they frequently experience as consumers. By popular demand, we’ve dedicated a short portion of this training to learning survival sign language, with specific signs tailored to your industry and work environment.
Sign language has surged in popularity in recent years. But did you know that it’s not only available as foreign language courses in high schools and colleges? Our hands-on and voices-off classes cover the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) so you can better serve Deaf customers who communicate in this vibrant, unique language. Of course, these classes are taught by our deaffriendly ASL instructors.
Deaf consumers belong to a tight knit Deaf community who spread the world of deaf-friendly businesses quickly. Therefore, this allows us to craft a published story on our website to showcase your efforts and initiatives and to get it into the eyes of our readers. Our consumer review website deaffriendly has over 3K unique visitors a month, over 18K social media fans and over 3K mailing list subscribers. Hence, we sponsor all of our content making sure specific audiences are targeted.