Empowering Deaf and Hard of Hearing Travelers: Navigating the Maze of Airports

Airports can be a labyrinth of chaos and stress, especially for those rushing to catch a flight. For the Deaf and hard of hearing traveler, this often includes navigating an additional maze of barriers that range from lack of visual information to communication struggles and impatience from airport staff and passengers. Let's [...]

By |2023-09-26T23:25:04+00:00September 26th, 2023|Business Tip|0 Comments

How to hire a qualified sign language interpreter

Sign language interpreters are having another moment in the spotlight as high profile public officials across the country are using in-screen interpreters for online press briefings, raising the visibility of sign language access for deaf and hard of hearing consumers on a never-seen-before scale. Even the current administration at the White House [...]

By |2021-03-23T05:25:48+00:00March 23rd, 2021|Business Tip|0 Comments